Thanks man
Originally Posted by Nefirmative GL this year. Excellent post. Thanks for sharing something so personal and senselessly stigmatised. Glad things seem to be on the up and up again |
Cheers bro, my pleasure to share. Not a reality I ever thought I’d
be facing, but here we are, I’ll stay trying to make the best of it.
Originally Posted by Mayox also the wolves ask about u sometimes, can i share this post with them or no? it gives a much better insight than i could |
Yoooooooooo, good to hear from you man. Of course, happy for it to be shared with whoever – not trying to keep it from anyone. Miss you wolves man (except BD obv

), hope Vienna is treating you well.
Originally Posted by deathorglory0 Glad to see you back and doing well at the tables, good job man |
Cheers brother

Thanks dude, I’ll do my best to tick every box I can and hope the lifeRNG doesn’t **** me

Been steady on that BJJ grind, but been feeling a touch of tennis-elbow since climbing on Saturday so will ease off this week.
Wasn’t really planning on making any update, but I’ve been having the
unreal nuclear superheat and it doesn’t seem to be letting up

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 905×714. |

Maybe I just win at 20bb now???

Looks like roughly 1/650 start to the year… I’ll take it

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 943×464. |

Got 6 days till my GF arrives from Mexico, 2k hands/day will get me to
40k and I’ll feel better about taking 2.5 weeks off if I make it.
GL out there gang