18th October 2019


Originally Posted by Kangal_ Impressive piano skills mate. Einaudi has been my go to grind music for a few years now.

Pretty savage stuff on the 80 buyin downer. You seem to be handling it pretty well though. My mental game is fkn dreadful, so even a recent 40 buy in downswing had me questioning every single aspect of my game.

You seem to be crushing it in life off of the tables. Good luck for the rest of the year!

Yeah – the truth is that I tend to struggle when poker is a part of, rather than the main focus of, my life. I’m sure it’s a combination of playing bad and running bad, and I know that this year I’ve been outworked by all my fellow bitb cash coaches, maybe even a few of the students, so my focus is on rectifying that asap.


Originally Posted by Glanza_Mike Abbbsoluteellyy unreal piano skills mate <3 Ludovico. You improved a lot since upload 

And the setting for Brora golf club looks unreal too.

Cheers man, been working on that piece for a long old time so it should be good tbh 

Started a new piano project recently, and let’s just say I’ve aimed high! No idea when it’ll be ready for public consumption, but it won’t be quick 


Originally Posted by ishter Lovely photo of the both of you!

UL on the poker front, I’m sure it’ll turn soon enough <3

Cheers brother!


Originally Posted by deathorglory0 Very impressive updating during such tough times (poker wise anyway), that downswing would have been the death of 99% of other PCGs.

Got faith you will turn it around and finish the year strong, GL bro 

Yeah – I’ve been thinking recently about database bias – in previous eras my approach in this situation would be to make a new database so the time taken until I have a pretty longterm graph to look at would be lower. This time I’ve done the opposite and started a new database from the peak, might not be the best for motivation (or for marketing the CFP…) but I’ve a good idea of the areas I need to work on and I’m looking forward to properly getting cracking at it.


Sup troops.

Just back from a 5 day trip north and west with my girlfriend. Time for a (non-poker) update!

We left Edinburgh on Sunday after the rugby and drove up to Inverness. Monday we drove to through to Elgin to introduce said girlfriend to my Granny, then hit up Loch Ness as the sun set.

(Not my photo)

Tuesday we stopped by Glenurquhart Castle, then drove through Muir of Ord to Rogie Falls, made an unscheduled stop at Ardvreck Castle on the way up to Achmelvich Beach.

Glenurquhart Castle (again not mine)

Rogie Falls

Ardvreck Castle

Achmelvich Beach

We decided to come back to Achmelvich Bay the next day for a “wild swim”. We went over the headland to the north to a secret bonus beach a friend had told me about, stripped down to our keks and ran in (no photos obv) 

We maybe lasted around 40s or so actually in the water – I’ve been sticking fairly well to a cold shower a couple of times a week but this was just different level cold. Predictably though we felt absolutely great as we came out of the water… so I followed through with the plan I’d been keeping secret for a while and got down on one knee to ask my girl to marry me. She said ‘Si’ 

Obviously it’s a kinda difficult moment to describe, but it really felt like a weight off my shoulders/relief to do it and have it go well. I couldn’t ask for more if the relationship was half as good as it is, I obviously knew I could’ve waited if I’d wanted to, but I realised quite a while ago that she’s about everything I want from my life, and as bad as poker has gone, the last 3-4 months with her here, though obviously not perfect, have been some of the best of my life. So yeah – I’d snuck out the night before to speak to her dad (who btw doesn’t speak a word of English 

 ) and ask his permission, I ordered a ring a few weeks back, it’s due to arrive this week coming. Although I realise this is predominantly a male forum so y’all probably DGAF about the ring anyway 

Anyway, later that day we climbed Stac Pollaidh (pronounced Stack Polly). It’s a very unusual looking mountain, kinda famous for that reason, and the only high point for quite a ways around it, so pretty great views as you walk around. Couple more photos..

After celebrating the engagement with some unreal fish and chips in Ullapool (famous for best fish and chips in the world), we drove down to Torridon in the dark. Up the next day, stopped and Loch Carron for coffee and drove over the bridge to Skye. Had a brainwave and booked us onto the Armadale -> Mallaig ferry, which allowed us to chill, eat the pies we bought at Loch Inver for lunch and relax by the fire in a pub for a while. Stopped in at Glenfinnan to see the viaduct (famous for being the Harry Potter hogwarts express viaduct…) biggest let down of the trip by far 

 To get a good view you gotta hike to get above it, probably helps to see a train go over it aswel lol.

Anyway, we stayed in Fort William last night, toyed with the idea of climbing Ben Nevis today but thankfully scaled back those plans in favour of the Lost Valley in Glencoe.

Heading up between these two rock faces..

You might be noticing a theme developing in these selfie formats 

The highest waterfall you can make out in this one is roughly where the valley is, just behind that waterfall it starts – the history is that some MacDonalds who survived/escaped the Glencoe Massacre (cliffs: the red wedding but real) hid up there.

Pretty crazy how much more mountain there was above us given how tough the hike was.

Anyway, took us around 5 hours all told, after that we went to the Clachaig Inn for dinner before the long drive home. Quite a trip!

Michelle leaves in 8 days, unfortunately I’ve got jury duty next week so my plans are kinda up in the air depending how arduous that turns out to be. Either way I’ll be down to London to put her on her flight on the 26th and crashing with Juul and Stef that night.

Speaking of Juul and to give this post a hint of poker content, while I was away the boys recorded a podcast with him – I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, but it’s had great feedback so far, check it out here:

That’s about it for now, GL out there gang!

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